If you prefer to buy organic, Humpday Farmers Market features several vendors who use organic farming practices. Some other farmers at HFM are not certified organic, but do use sustainable practices in their conventional farming.
Read more about conventional farming and the wide range of organic certifications.
Conventionally Grown
Conventionally grown follows generally accepted farming production methods using, but not limited to, chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Some farmers use both chemical and organic inputs into their practices.
Certified Organic
Organic methods have been defined by the Organic Food Production Act of 1990, and must follow the standards set forth in the Act. The “Certified Organic” label can only be used by those who have applied for and have obtained the certification from the USDA through a third party. Following are explanations for the labels used by farmers to identify their production methods.

- USDA Certifications
- Certified Organic
- Organically Grown
- Naturally Grown
- Sustainable
- Biodynamic
Organic food production act of 1990
7 USC Ch.94: Organic Certification
The term “certified organic farm” means a farm, or portion of a farm, or site where agricultural products or livestock are produced, that is certified by the “certifying agent” under this chapter as utilizing a system or organic farming described using approved organic methods that meet Organic Standard Board standards.
Agricultural product shall –
- Have been produced without the use of synthetic chemicals, except as otherwise provided
- Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and excluding livestock, not be produced on land to which any prohibited substances, including synthetic chemical have been applied during the 3 years immediately preceding the harvest of the agricultural products; and
- Be produced and handled in compliance with an organic plan agreed to by the producer and handler of such products and the certifying agent; and
- Provide for annual on-site inspection by the certifying agent of each farm and handling operation that has been certified in this chapter; and
- Require periodic residue testing by certifying agent of agricultural products to determine whether such nonorganic residue or natural toxicants were found and to require certifying agents to report such infraction.
Compliance Requirements
(a) Domestic products
(1) in general
October 1, 1993 –
(A) a person may sell or label an agricultural product as organically produced only if such product is produced and handled in accordance with this chapter;
Sustainably Grown
A detailed framework that is applied to agricultural operations around the world, large and small, providing a roadmap to satisfy the emerging market for environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Sustainably Grown framework is consistently ranked among the highest standards in independent surveys and is aligned with leading US and European standards and initiatives. It includes practices such as: safe working conditions, thriving farming communities, healthy ecosystems, no dangerous agrochemicals.